Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hugo, the movie and Finding Your Purpose

"If a man love the labor of any trade, apart from any question
of success or fame, the gods have called him."
Robert Louis Stephenson

John and I took grandson, Tristan, age six, to see the new movie Hugo last Saturday. Take every adult and child you know to see this movie. It is director Martin Scorsese’s tribute to film making but the beauty of it is in the cinematography (be sure to spurge for 3D) and the over-arching message.

Hugo is a young boy whose parents die and he is left in the care of a drunken uncle who tends the clock in the train terminal of Paris, France. I won’t be a spoiler by telling you more but the theme that speaks to us all is subtly expressed when Hugo says as he looks out on Paris from the clock tower, “If the whole world is a machine like a clock then there are no extra parts. So, I am not an extra part. I have a purpose and I must find it.”

Ahhhh, if we could each find our purpose what an achievement it would be. What is your purpose? Are you doing that now? Are you happy with what you are doing now? I have found in my work that if you are living your purpose it has a ripple effect on all your life—especially that prickly reality of time management.

I call my time management course The Last Time Management Course You Will Ever Need because the instruments force you to set priorities and define your purpose. After doing that, your management of time will fall comfortably in to place.

Do yourself a New Year favor, sign up here to take my course.

And go see Hugo!

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